Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Passiflora L

Oh mine! My passion fruit plant on the old plot (passiflora L) - the flowers dropped again... So I googled to see if I can find any information on this.... Gosh!! I realised that the flowers of passiflora L variety can only be pollinated by another vine of the same variety!! so it basically needs cross pollination..! no wonder all the flowers dropped off after I hand pollinated using the pollens of the same flower! because of this, I had insomnia last night! thinking what I should do to overcome this problem... in the pot that I bought, there are 3 vines. I am not sure if they are stem cut from the same vine or from 3 different vines... so the next flower that blossoms, I am going to try pollinating with the flower of another vine... if it still doesn't work, then i gotta look for another vine from another source!! Sigh... didn't know that it is so difficult to grow this variety of passion fruit... but I read that the fruit of this variety is VERY SWEET! the fruit of this variety is also called water lemon...

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