Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Salad Dressing with Thai Basil

Decided to use my Thai Basil to make a salad dressing yesterday for dinner. It taste yummy!

Passion fruit - trellis

Made a trellis for my passion fruit.... Instant trellis! So easy! So glad Daiso sells such stuff!

Cherry Tomato

My one & only super big cherry tomato is ripening...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Infected plants

Neighbour's infected papaya tree and brinjal plant..... Neglected and seems-to-forgotten plants... aiyo sayang

Passion Fruit - Flower Blossom

Finally! After waiting for days!! It is half open today.. Hopefully it will be in full bloom today... Sure hope the sole bee that lingers in the garden will do its job well!! Can't wait to have my first harvest of passion fruit...
Transplanted another potted passion fruit to the plot this morning... So I will have 4 plots of passion fruit growing!!

Chilli Paid - Galore!

Finally!! A decent harvest of chilli padi soon!! It will be beautiful when it starts to turn red....

Lemon Basil - Blossoms

So beautiful....Basils seem to grow on the ground than in pots!

Chives - Seed Pod

Seed pod - so cute!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Long Beans Green

All 10 of them to the plot this morning... 6 with the winged beans and 4 on other side.. see which lot will produce more harvest for me!

Peanut - Flowers!

That is fast! One of them has started to produce flowers!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Picked up some floor tiles this morning and decided to build a 'home' for my longan!! Having a home would be easier when it comes to fertilising it... I haven't fertilised my longan for ages!


I realised my 2 pineapple plants are growing spikes!

Dragonfruit cutting

Got a dragonfruit cutting yesterday and plonked it beside my pandan leave... Mulled for a long time over where I want to grow it .. Finally settled it there - I hope it will do well!


Finally gave my roselle plant a big trim! Realised that they are still infested with mealy bugs.... even though I checked everyday!! Sigh.. wonder where they come from!
My other roselle (grown from seed) is producing flower buds...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Community Garden Visit

Visited a community garden in Hillview this morning! Very interesting to talk to like minded people!! They have a very big fig tree there! Unfortunately they do not know how to eat figs!! So sayang as the ripe figs just dropped to the ground!! Wanted to cut some but they are none that is ripe for picking!!! Argh....
They have grown a bush of sugar peas too!! So envious!!

Japanese Cucumbers

Doing well.....

New plot

Moved my last potted Mulberry and one of my potted roselle into the plot! I am trying to reduce the number of potted plants I have in my balcony!!!

Passion fruit - flower bud

Still hanging there and I think it got a little bit bigger today! The bud must be emitting some sweet nectar as I see a few ants hovering around it....

Chives - Flowers

Cute little white ones!

Long Beans Green

Sowed 10 green long bean seeds early this week and all of them sprouted! Long beans are highly productive and quite easy to grow too.... Main pests are ANTS!!! and aphids.... Just gotta spray them daily and they should be okay...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Insect nest

Yucks, found an insect nest in the depths of my overgrown passion fruit.... glad I found it... Initially I thought it is a bee hive but then realised that it doesn't look like bee hive from the picture.... If it is bee hive, guess I would have been attacked when I tried to disturb the hive!! LOL

Passion fruit - leaves

The progression of the leaves of the passion fruit is interesting.. when they are young, the leaves are single with no splits... then, as it matures, it will split into 2 and finally full maturity is 3 ... you can see from pictures below...

Honeydew - female flower

A female flower blossomed but no male flower in sight! Arghhhhhh....

Long Bean - Overgrown!

I have forgotten to harvest one of my long beans yesterday and today, it became so huge!! Bulging pods...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Lemon Basil

Most of my lemon basils are doing well ... after a round of attack by aphids!

Chilli Padi

Finally, this chilli padi plant is 'behaving' quite decently these few days!! LOL.... I hope they continue to do so. Due to infestation of white flies, I moved it from the pineapple plot to the current plot - chop off all their leaves quite a few times due to pests and stunted growth... Hoping that only good days are ahead now!


I have quite a number of brinjal plants growing in my vege plots.... So every week, I am able to harvest a couple of them....They can last for a very long time apparently so I guess if you take care of them, they can give you bountiful harvests! The pests that keep going to my brinjal plants are the mealy bugs!! Everyday, I will kill at least a few on the underside of the leaves....


One of my many lime plants - all grown from seeds....I think it will take many more months before they fruit!

Japanese Cucumber

I made a quick trellis for my Japanese cucumber.. changed my mind in planting next to the basil and honeydew... think they are better on their own.... I bought a pack of instant trellis from Daiso - it was really easy to put up the trellis... save me so much time and effort... And my Japanese cucumbers are doing well so far too.. hoping they are more resistant to pests and diseases...