Saturday, November 30, 2013

Passion Fruit Plants Plot

I always find the plot where I grow my passion fruit plants are like wasted land! The passion fruit vines will cover the trellis on top and that basically shades the whole area underneath ... nothing grows well without sun! Hmmmm....

Harvest Today 30 Nov

Last 3 of my red passion fruit!

Chye Sim

Sowed a whole pack of chye sim seeds a few days ago! Trying to use up my seeds la! LOL..... Will wait till they have grown to a reasonable size before I move them to the plot as the slugs / snails are everywhere!!


I think now that it is better to grow tomato than cherry tomato! 1 tomato, even though is smaller than the market bought ones, is still about 3 times the size of the cherry tomato!! LOL


Sowed a pack of capsicum last week and almost gave up hope of it sprouting when suddenly I saw so many sprouted these morning!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Sweet Potato

My sweet potato started another round of flowering! Wonder what it means.. Probably time to dig it up and see if I can treasure hunt any 'gold'!

Local Cucumber

A tiny giant!! Usually the 1st harvest is the best!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Harvest Today 28 Nov

Picked more passion fruits today.. think left with a couple more of the red ones hanging... then after that, it will be another long wait!

Local Cucumber

Ready for harvest!! Shall see how big it will become by tomorrow!!

Old Cucumber - Female Flower

It looks as if it is successful...

Purple Bayam

Transplanted a batch of purple bayam seedlings from upstairs to downstairs... this plot is new. My bayam seems to be growing better than the one that I have upstairs.... guess, the thing about crop rotation is so very true! But I wonder the duration before I can grow the same crop again.....

Pandan Leaves

My pandan has been growing very bushy now. Small offshoots are appearing from the middle segment instead of from the base of the stem! So strange. So far, I have not harvest any leaves to cook or bake!! Pandan is not one of those that I used only rarely - like cooking rice or baking pandan chiffon....Recently I chanced upon a pandan chicken recipe! Shall try out that recipe with my pandan leaves!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Chilli Padi

Very soon, my chilli padi plants are going to tower above me!! They are still very productive.... Wondering what's their life span!

Winged Beans

I have to say that the winged beans plants got such long life!!! After about 6 months of growing, they started to produce winged beans non stop! They last even much much longer than the long beans, even though they are infested with mealy bugs! LOL


This roselle plant by the wall is really highly productive, compared to my other 3! Growing so tall now!


My 1st batch of potato seems to be growing leh... leaves are starting to appear!

Bayam Green

So cute to see them growing!

Old Cucumber - Female Flower

Blossomed this morning! Hopefully the bees did their work well! Looking forward to seeing an Old Cucumber growing for the 1st time!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Harvest Today 24 Nov

Decided to pick my passion fruits instead of waiting for them to drop! LOL .. They tasted good!!

Corn - Glass Gem

Doing well! Hope I didn't grow them too far apart!

Kang Kong - Seed Pod

Petals fell off.... not sure when is the right time to pick the seed pod though!


In another couple of days, it will be ready for harvest!


Moved my parsley, lemon balm and sage into the styrofoam box as I think they are not doing well on the ground. Hope they will settle in nicely into their new home!

Caterpillar Tree

Chopped off half of the branches of the tree that had all those yucky caterpillars!!

Friday, November 22, 2013


It seems like it is the caterpillar breeding season!! Spotted so many spiky caterpillars crawling around! Yucks!! Asked someone to remove them for me as there is no way I can do it! So scared that I did not even want to take a picture to post!! Yucks!

Long Bean Green - Seedlings

Growing another batch of long bean green to replace my dying lot... I should have grown them earlier to ensure continue supply of long beans.... lesson learned!

Cherry Tomato Plant

I am going to kill off my 2 cherry tomato plants in the garden grown in a styrofoam box as they are no longer as productive as before. Want to use that box instead to sow all my new seeds.... Doing an experiment here! Chop off the trunk of my cherry tomato plant to see if it will re grow!

Old Cucumber - Female Flower

So fast, my Old Cucumber is starting to have female flower buds! Fast as in, they have not even climbed up to the top of the trellis yet! LOL

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tomato In the Making

The big tomato .. but somehow, is not very big - the size is like a bigger version of the cherry tomato LOL ...

Harvest Today 21 Nov

My 3rd passion fruit! It was on the ground when I saw it....

More Seeds!

Crazy me! Bought more seeds again!!

Kang Kong - Flower

2 kang kong flowers spotted today! Not easy to collect seeds for kang kong! only 1 seed per flower...

Old Cucumber

Climbing up the string!


This lot of edamame is not productive at all.. after just 1.5 round of harvesting, they are turning yellow... time to remove them and grow again!

Bittergourd - Female Flower

Finally, spotted a viable female flower of the bittergourd in my 2nd plant! The 1st spotted one turned yellow!

Cucumbers In the Making

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Raised Bed

Spent about 30mins or so this morning, under the hot sun (getting more tanned again!!) to do up a raised bed using chopped tree trunk! Hopefully they will last! Wanted to build higher but there isn't enough chopped tree trunk for me to use! LOL

Harvest Today 18 Nov

First of my 2nd batch of passion fruit! Ripe on the vine! Looking forward to eating it!

Chiku Triplets

Passion Fruit - New Batch

The new batch of passion fruit is getting smaller in size!

Long Bean Green

My long bean green is getting old! The leaves are getting dried up and the long beans are getting scrawny too! Time to grow another new batch!

Corn - Glass Gem

My glass gem corn ready for the plot!
Hope they grow up well & good! Put a little chicken manure to hopefully speed up growth!

Green Bayam

A new lot of green bayam growing in one of my new tiny plot!