Saturday, June 29, 2013

Winged bean

Giving up on my winged bean soon!!! After so many months of waiting and still nothing in sight!

Passion fruit

Producing tiny flower buds but have not seen a full grown flower as yet! So elusive.


My highly productive roselle is once again bearing many fruits!! I can make my roselle jam once again! Yummy!
The other 2 roselle plants that I have are growing bigger too... But they are infested with aphids! Gotta get rid of them before the problem gets out of hand.
I have 4 roselle plants in pots at home! So I have a total of 7 in total!! Wow, endless supplies of roselle to make my jam in the future...


The 2 chiku fruits seem to be turning downwards as they grow bigger... guess its the weight!
So looking forward to seeing the chiku tree heavily laden with fruits!!


Gonna flower soon! Hope they will be successful, even though they are overwhelmed by white flies.


My planter box of mint has grown so much! It has definitely overwhelmed my 2 little chinese parsley!! Gotta dig through the mint to find them! LOL

Winter melon

Germinated some seeds of winter melon weeks ago.... They have started to climb... gotta bring them down soon!


After so many weeks, my goji plants are still SO TINY!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Tomatoes - flower

My new box of tomatoes has started to flower too! Hope they are successful so I will be able to pick more cherry tomatoes! I hope they are not too affected by the tonnes of white flies!!

Passion fruit

Another passion fruit from pot to ground! So now I have 6 passion fruit growing in the plots!! Hope they will give me plenty of fruits!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Di Huang Miao - Flower to Seed Pod

I think it is confirmed la... LOL... the di huang miao flower do not BLOSSOM like other types of flowers... Its flower is just like a pod with a pink tinge in the middle, then it will turn into a seed pod!

Bye bye french beans!

Killed all my french bean plants this morning - not bearing the pods and once again infested with aphids!! Will redo the plot and grow passion fruit and some other climbers....


Due to the strong wind and rain yesterday, my passion fruit trellis toppled!!! Such a sad state of affairs. My neighbour's plants were toppled as well..... spend the whole morning clearing up ... Sigh!

Monday, June 24, 2013


When the papaya leaves start to shrivel like this, I know that they are infested with mealy bugs!!

Capsicum & White flies

My capsicums seem to be growing so well if you just look at the picture! But one flip on the leaves and you will see tonnes of white flies flying away from underneath the leaves!! Hate them... wonder why the haze doesn't seem to affect them! Argh!

Chiku - Flower


Cleared all my cauliflower except 3... 1 to see what happens when the top is chopped off !! and the other 2 is still budding.


Think I am going to 'kill' all my cucumber plants by next week.... Leaves are dying off..... Not that many female flowers appearing....
Spotted a deformed looking cucumber.... guess it was pollinated by the bees.. But i wonder why it became deformed...

Curled Leave Vegetable

Neighbour gave me 3 seedlings of the Curled Leave Vegetable before I left for my trip. They have grown just after 1 week!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Spring Onions

My spring onions came up too - in 7 days!


My 3 tomatoes in the new plot has grown so BIG in just 1 week! It is bearing buds too.. Keeping my fingers crossed!!


Flowers of the chiku going to blossom!
The first 2 fruit has grown much bigger too... It is a very long wait for them to get ripen....


Look at those big and fat edamame ready for harvesting! Yummy

Lemon Basil

Lemon basils (grown from seeds) doing very well in the plot!

Sweet Corn - flowered!

Surprise find this morning! One of the sweet corn flowered!
Unfortunately, from what I read, sweet corn needs to be cross pollinated. Interesting fact here that I read - each little beard corresponds to 1 corn kernel!! So the pollens need to get to as many beards as possible... otherwise, it will be a few miserable kernels formed only...

Sweet Potato

I thought my sweet potatoes would have bushed out!! Haha.. they remain about the same, as when I left them 7 days ago!

Long bean

First flower appeared! But funny, it did not appear as twins, like my neighbours'...

Di Huang Miao - Flower

Oh well, after 1 week, it still has not blossomed!!
The terrible haze, though, left their 'footprints' on the leaves of my veges - a thin layer of soot!

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Yup first time I see onions and its flower! Wow, the soil is so fertile that they grow so well!


Look at those hanging blueberries!! OMG, wish I can bring back 1 of those plant and grow back home!!

Friday, June 14, 2013


Transplanted marigold in plot doing well...Can't wait for them to bloom to add some colour to my plot!

Ha Mi Gua

Kua Kua.. Ha Mi Gua infected by fungus, same as my 4 pumpkins previously!! Maybe they are not suited for the humidity... No good news today.. all bad news! LOL


Infected at the root area by mealy bugs! Sigh...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

More Tomato Seedlings

Neighbour gave me more tomato seedlings and so, I planted them next to the sweet potato plot! I am not hopeful that they will do well as the tomatoes are fussy plants and I am sure they do not do very well in HARD soil... LOL... well, see their destiny la. In order to 'soften' the soil a little, I mulch it with some leaves... Can you spot my tomato seedlings?! Haha... they got lost in the sea of green


Transplanted my last pot of brinjal from home to plot today as it is not doing very well in its pot!

Red Bayam

My little red bayam starting to flower! Aiyo... not good.