Friday, December 4, 2015


I will be away for a 10-day break! Going to see the northern lights! Woohoo.... so looking forward!! Hope my plants will survive my long absence!!! Wishing you a Happy Holiday season too!

Harvest Today

Quite a fair bit today! Haha...

Banana Thief!

Oh dear, some blessed soul hacked off the top 2 rows of my banana! Argh..... goodness me!
So decided to harvest my bananas instead of waiting any further!! There are 7 rows of bananas left!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Big Chilli & Small Lime

My biggest haul of the small lime! The smell when I freshly picked it is just so heavenly! And the fully ripen big red chilli!

Oregano, Tarragon & Thyme

All to the soil before my long trip! Hope they survive during my long absence!


My first harvest of edamame! Not as big as those from Sushi Teh but good enough for me! LOL