Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Insect nest

Yucks, found an insect nest in the depths of my overgrown passion fruit.... glad I found it... Initially I thought it is a bee hive but then realised that it doesn't look like bee hive from the picture.... If it is bee hive, guess I would have been attacked when I tried to disturb the hive!! LOL


  1. OMG!!! i wild scream at sight of it.....
    u remove it????

  2. Haha... I yanked it off the top of the my passion fruit plant and it dropped onto the ground -- just left it there but this morning, I didn't see it there anymore! Wondering where did it go??? LOL

  3. Yikes... u mean the thing will moved by itself?

  4. Haha... I don't think so but probably taken away by something???? LOL
