Sunday, March 10, 2013

Garden of Eden "Farming" Method

Yesterday, I chanced upon this website called Garden of Eden. They talked about using wood chips to lay on top of the soil so that the wood chips will protect the soil underneath, absorbing moisture if it is too much and retaining moisture if it is too dry. Also, as the wood chips break down, they become fertiliser for the soil. Their idea is that the soil needs a layer of protection, just like humans have a skin layer to protect us. It just makes so much sense! Farming shouldn't be so tiresome indeed! LOL ... Here's the link...... Check out the video - it is very long (about 1.5 hours) but it is very informative and very enlightening. I am truly enlightened by the way they farm! I decided to continue with my mulching by keeping those weeds taken out by my neighbour this morning! Applying the principle wholesale will not work totally for my plots as it is not ground per se. It is just a plot with filled soil! Need to tweak around the principle which is good I think!

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