Thursday, February 27, 2014

Potted Chilli Padi

See! 1 pot is yellowish while the other is green & healthy! I thought it was lack of watering but apparently not! Still lacking in something!!

Snaked Grass

Wow snake grass are really hardy plants! They can survive without weeks of watering!

Winged Beans Seedlings

My 3rd lot of winged beans.... They just grow and grow, unlike the other beans that will eventually die off!

Papaya Trees

Darn! Why is it that majority of my papaya trees are male?! Aiyooo..... gotta chop down some of them to make way for female la

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Harvest Today 25 Feb

Aloe Vera

Finally moved my potted aloe vera to the plot as it is not growing well in the pot. I think aloe vera doesn't need much sunlight....From the initial 2 that is in the pot, now there are 6!


Trying my hand at growing tomato again! In order to save some soil, I added in half a container of the 'gold' which I collected that day.... On top, I mulched again with my 'gold' and some wood.... hoping for a bountiful harvest!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Capsicum - Prop Up

It has touched the ground! So I used a container so that the slugs and snails will not get to enjoy it before I do!


Found these in the bin centre... Will recycle them in the garden... they are again 'gold' to me!

Big Chilli - Sprouts!

So many sprouted!! Oh dear... I am going to have to find people to adopt them! LOL


Climbing and its main stem spreading its 'wings'.... I wonder how long it will take before they start to fruit...

Dried Leaves in Compost Container

I am putting a lot of dried leaves into the compost container! I hope it will reduce the 'wetness' of the compost after 3 months! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Saw lotsa 'gold' along the roadside these days due to the dry weather condition! LOL.... dried leaves collected by the road sweepers! They are gold to me!! I can use them for composting! Picked up 2 bags together with my neighbour.... Hahaha... Hopefully my compost will turn out to be drier with these dry leaves!

What is this?

As usual, it just popped up next to my growing papaya.... wondering if it is just a weed...? but doesn't seem to be so...

Ba Long Long - Fruits

The new batch of fruits from my ba long long tree is only a handful as compared to the big bunch that came with it!! LOL

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Potted Passion Fruit Vine

Finally my potted passion fruit vine got a new home - I transplanted it to a much bigger pot and moved it to the giant trellis! Didn't have enough soil to fill up the pot yet! Gotta buy more on Monday! Hope it will spread its wings soon!

Purple Bayam

This batch of purple bayam growing so well, living in harmony with the capsicum and the brinjals!! I didn't sow the seeds at all... they popped up on their own as this is an ex bayam plot (before the kang kong took over).... yeah!


Grown as tall as the plant itself! I wonder if this is the red or yellow variety...

Potted Chilli Padi

Finally turning red!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Trimmed my lemon balm and sage this morning to get rid of those pesky pests! I hope they will do better?
My parsley came alive... Just need to add some chicken dung to give the leaves a boost of nitrogen!

Seeds Sowing

I have been sowing different types of seeds using the egg containers with compost with no result so far! It is strange why none of the seeds are sprouting.. So decided to sow directly into the plot and see if this is an easier way (& of course, lazier way!)...

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sweet Potato - Underground network!

I have cleared my sweet potato plot last week but that is only on the surface! The underground network is still in alive and kicking! See the leaves popping up everywhere ....

Capsicum - Eaten up almost!

Well, the birds sure love my capsicum as well! This 1/4 eaten up the other day is now almost eaten up!

Thai Basil

This is the only basil in my garden that is doing well!

Mini Trellis

Completed the mini trellis for my passion fruit vine ... this will be my 6th passion fruit vine!!

Ginger - Flower!

Chanced upon the ginger flower yesterday morning! Still green and yet to bloom I think... Wow, nice!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Giant Trellis!

In the process of building a giant trellis to share with my neighbour... We just have too many passion fruit vines around!!


Oh mine! Was shocked to see that one of my growing capsicum is being eaten up!!! I was discussing why birds are eating the chilli padi with my friend and I came to a conclusion that it's because birds do not have taste buds so they are not able to 'tell' that the chilli is spicy!! LOL
The other one is growing nicely...

Mang Guang - Blossoms!

Beautiful blossoms from the Mang Guang plant! Mang Guang is called Jicama in English! What a chim name! LOL

Friday, February 14, 2014


Indeed, they are the long versions! But I haven't seen any capsicum which is long??? Hmmm...

Sweet Basil

Infested! SOS!


Saw some discarded wood pieces at the bin centre of my estate and decided to recycle them! Used them to build a trellis (still half done for now) for another lot of passion fruit and make 2 raised beds for my neighbour's plots (he used styrofoam like me and because of no maintenance, the sytrofoam kept popping out of line)!!
Such a huge sense of achievements after I am done with them!

Mango Tree

New growth is a bunch of leaves! Darn.... Was hoping for blossoms!! LOL

Mini Papayas - Ripe on Vine

2 of my mini papayas going to ripe on the vine! Must be SUPER sweet!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Snail Buster!

I bought this just because it says '100% natural'! :-) .. Will try to see if it helps to reduce the number of snails in the garden!

Neighbour's Radishes

Bigger than what I had grown before!! Guess I will try again in the plot... The last time, I grew in the styrofoam box!