Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Passion fruit

They are climbing! Many offshoots growing.. I hope not too long they will start to produce flowers and then fruit... Yummy! My neighbour's passion fruit taste really nice! I have 3 seedlings in pots at home - grown from seeds. 1 growing next to big sister in plot (which is stem cut from my neighbour's) so I have 5 passion fruit plants! They are fuss free and grows on their own... The other variety in my old plot, they are growing too... new shoots. I bought a pack of passion fruit from NTUC last week and it seems to be from this variety. I will grow some from the seeds of this variety too. Hopefully it will help to cross pollinate with my existing one - but of course, that will take at least 1.5 years!!! The following is the one from my old plot... the leaves are different...

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