Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lemon Basil - how to grow

Lemon basil seems more fuzzy than Sweet Basil. For Sweet Basil, I can stem cut and transplant directly into the soil and they will grow quite easily. Not for Lemon Basil - the first cutting that I transplanted directly into the soil died after 2 weeks. So, I tried to put them into a bottle of water first. Yup, after about 2 weeks, roots are setting nicely. Will transplant to the plot next week or so.


  1. whats the difference bwt the smell of belom balm vs lemon basil?

  2. LOL... they smell very similar... from what I can recall of the smell of lemon balm! For lemon basil, it has a background smell of basil with a tinge of lemon! Does it make sense?? LOL

  3. LoL yeah I realised I asked a silly qn haha
