Sunday, August 31, 2014

Winged Bean Harvest

My 3rd harvest! So many of them today!!! 1st lot - 5 of them, 2nd lot - 2 of them, now, so many! Many more growing in the vine! Yes! So happy when something is growing so well!

Lime Babies!

Plenty of them!

Something Sprouted!

Finally, something is sprouting in 1 of my planter boxes! BUT, I really do not know what they are as I have sowed so many types of seeds in them!!! LOL

Rosemary Cuttings

Found another easier way to root rosemary cuttings.. Putting it directly into water first!! See, after 3 days, the roots are appearing!!

Roselle Harvest

Plenty of roselle these days!! As long as there is 1 or 2 well growing roselle plants, there are plenty to harvest! I still have plenty of jams which I have made from the previous batches... now thinking of what else I can make with roselle... perhaps roselle enzyme drink?

Green Bean Long - Keeping for seeds!

Keeping this super long green bean for seeds! It is my first long bean green! I used to keep the last few ones but have learned to be smarter - always keep the best for seeds!!

Rambutan Seedling

More leaves emerging!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Too Much Rain!

It has been raining cats and dogs for days on end!! My garden is soaked through!
Managed to harvest a few of the winged beans (before they grow too old!) before it starts to pour!

Cucumbers Sprouted!

Finally, after weeks of waiting, some cucumber seeds sprouted!!! Transplanted 4 of them into the ground as I will be going away for 4 days tomorrow... Hopefully all 4 will survive when I come back. 2 more on the way to sprouting!

Ma Ni Cai - Cute Little Berries

While harvesting some Ma Ni Cai for lunch, I chanced upon these cute little berries!! So cute that I couldn't bear to throw them away....

Monday, August 25, 2014

Long Bean Green

It has been a LOOOOOONG while since my last long bean green!


I realised I have 2 varieties of roselle.... see pictures of the roselle below:


Quite a number in my garden! Sigh... wonder how to get rid of them..


My brinjal plants died slowly one after another.. Now I am left with about only 1 that is still doing a-ok.... So brinjals are rare commodities in my garden these days.

Passion Fruit Wrap

Now I wrapped my budding passion fruit in newspaper instead of plastic bag due to the rain almost every single day... wrapped 3 today... wrapped in newspaper also helps me to identify their whereabouts!
Picked 2 ripe passion fruits today too.

Neighbour's Cute Little Seedlings

So envious!!!

Banana Plants

My 2 banana plants are still alive & kicking but growing SUPER SLOWING despite consistent fertilising....
My neighbour's banana plant is fruiting yet again!! But this time, the bunch is not as huge as the first!

More Seeds Sowing!

Decided to clear my box of seeds slowly as I think most of them are no long viable.... today, I sowed 3 types.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pot of Dragon Fruit Cactus

Stem cut some of my home dragon fruit cactus to grow in the garden..... Not sure if they will fruit! But never knows!

Yam Harvest

Harvested the first and biggest yam today!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Chilli Padi - Last ditch effort!

My potted chilli padi - making my last ditch effort to save it!! By transplanting into the soil yet again! The other pot has died... :-(

Big Chilli

Praying that I can have big chilli harvests soon!

Passion Fruit + Burned Charcoal

Neighbour shared with me her firm belief that burned charcoal helps to promote fruit formation in passion fruit vines! Decided to try again as my vines are really not good at fruit formation! Let's see if that will really helps!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Lime In the Making!

Starfruit Seedling - One more!

Neighbour gave me 1 starfruit seedling so planted it next to the sweet potato plot. Hopefully it will not be overwhelmed by the sweet potato leaves... Guess I will need to build a raised bed to avoid it being trampled upon by the sweet potato!

Sweet Potato

Found a sweet potato while clearing up part of the sweet potato plot!
The mess of sweet potato vines that I left behind!! LOL

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Another Tiled Raised Bed!

Almost done with another tiled raised bed! Spend at least 2 hours doing this!! Hard work!!

Thai Basil - Stem Cut

Just realised that to stem cut Thai Basil, you need to get those cuttings with flowers on them to ensure success! All those that was stem cut with flowers last week survived!! Now I know the secret! Will go stem cut my Lemon Basil now!

Starfruit Seedling

Didn't realise this is a starfruit seedling until my neighbour showed me one of hers! According to her, it only takes about 1 year for it to fruit!! Yipee, that's fast!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Chicken Dung In Bokashi

Decided to let my chicken dung ferment in some bokashi! My estate gardener told my neighbour that fertilising with chicken dung will result in mealy bugs! The way to get round is to soak the chicken dung in a pail of water and then use the water to water the plants and then discard the residue of the chicken dung. I thought of this alternative instead! Using bokashi to ferment it? Shall see how it goes!

Stem Cut Fig In Pot

This stem cut fig in pot is growing faster than the one I have in the water. Of course right?! LOL.... Will move the one in the water into a pot next month to see the comparison in growth!

Passiflora Foetida

Yup, this is the botanical name of my Pop Pop passion fruit! Just found out the other day! LOL... This one is growing well in the ground and the tendrils are latching on to the bottom of the trellis! Good, I will have Pop Pop fruit soon!


My chives doing a-ok underneath the heavy shade of the passion fruits!

Lime - Blossom

Finally 1 of the flowers bloomed today! Nice little white one! My first natural lime coming up, I hope!


Finally get to harvesting some of the leaves of my kailan! I think it will be too fibrous to stir fry so will use it in my juicing tomorrow!

Seeds Sowing!

Have been sowing seeds for the past weeks with no success! I think most of my seeds are dead! I didn't keep them in the fridge but left them in a box in the open... sigh, so many of them wasted then.... Today, I tried again.... This time, butterhead lettuce, more caixin and cucumbers! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Papaya Seedlings

These papaya seedlings just sprouted on their own. They were discarded together with my other kitchen waste. Sigh, those seeds that I bought from stores can't seem to sprout while these papaya seeds just sprouted on its own! Aiyo.

Rambutan Seedling


My first yam which popped out from the garden out of nowhere! It has grown super big now and spawned many little ones!