Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Offline till end of Nov

I will be offline from now till end Nov as I will be going away for a holiday!! Don't think I have time to post on gardening stuff while on vacation!! Will be back! See you soon!

Passiflora Q

It is growing!! I need to move this pot from my balcony to the garden!!

Cosmos Seedlings!

So many sprouted around the mother plant!!


The last bit of vege in the box:
Another bittergourd:
My first lime!! Finally harvested it! It taste so fresh (as compared to those that I bought from the market!) and the fragrance of the lime is so strong!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Japanese Cucumbers

I really have no luck growing japanese cucumbers! Maybe its the seeds. Hm... I have seen successful cultivation of japanese cucumbers by the CIB community. Must ask them where they got their seeds!


The kind lady who gave me the Passiflora Q cuttings gave me a grafted cutting of her magnolia! The flowers of this magnolia smell so good! Unfortunately I am not going to grow it - going to pass to a friend instead! It is growing new leaves after I potted it. Hope it will grow well and produce flowers soon for my friend!

Long Bean Green - Blossom

Long time no see! This vine popped out on its own! Going to produce its first set of long beans for me! *I hope*

Big Chilli

Another ready for harvest probably this evening
And one rotted without even turning red?! Argh

Guava - Blossoms!

Yup, 3 of them bloomed this morning!! So beautiful!!! So sakura like!

Bittergourd - Last Harvest!

This is the 5th and last of the bittergourd from my potted vine @ home!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cosmos Seedlings

Still have plenty after transplanting at least 40-50! They look so pretty in a bunch!


Finally, after months of waiting, my citronella is finally branching out! Need to start trimming its 'hair'!! Growing too long and disturbing its neighbours!

Guava - Blossoms

It is starting to crack.... maybe it will start to bloom soon. Somehow this looks different from the first time when I saw the blooms. Guava got male and female too??? Hmmmmm

Fake Roselle

My fake roselle on the ground is not doing too well! The leaves seem not to be growing well somehow. Lucky I have another one spare! LOL


Another lot of xiao bai cai. I had this for lunch today! It tasted especially crunchy!!
A tiny bittergourd - will use it for juicing! Bittergourd is good to cleanse blood! So juicing will allow better absorption of its nutrients!
One passion fruit

Herbs - Parsley & Lemon Balm

Both doing extremely well these days! Must find a use for the lemon balm in cooking! Actually my lemon balm started to grow and overcome pest infestation after I mulched it! Not sure if its related but I am glad!

Fig Stem Cut

Gotta start trimming this fig now as it is growing too long. Then, I shall root it again! Thereafter, will try planting it on the ground with this to see if it will fruit earlier.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Accidentally pulled up another flying saucer like turnip!! Really wonder how to grow proper turnips!!

Potted Chilli Padi

I got a pot of chilli padi (yes so many of them!!) at home which has 3 chilli padi plants growing together in a small pot. So decided to transplant them to give them more space to grow! Guess what! When I remove the plants from the pot, those poor plants are so root bound!!
Tried to separate them but it is way impossible so decided to plant them altogether! Hope they will still thrive!

Passiflora Quadrangularis

Got many cuttings on this Passiflora Quadrangularis about 2 weeks ago and finally found a 'home' for 4 of them! This variety of passion fruit is gigantic! Each fruit can weigh up to 1kg each! Can't wait to see my first!! It would be quite a sight!!


More of its body popping out of the ground!

Snails!! I hate them

Yup, I hate them. They destroy my vegetables!


My vege ready for harvest! Harvested some Xiao Bai Cai for lunch!
My 4th bittergourd harvest!
2 passion fruits! At least they are red!! Should taste not too bad!
3 huge (to my standard!!) sweet potatoes! Dug these out from another of my sweet potato plot! Didn't want to dig actually but saw 1 while clearing and then motivated me to search for more!! LOL

Friday, November 7, 2014


Sprouted on its own! So far, no success in growing turnip!!

Big Chilli

My other plot of 4 Big Chilli plants starting to produce big chillies for me! Woohoo

Cucumber Harvest

Harvested this warped cucumber for lunch today! Still tasted very good! Crunchy!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Fig - Stem Cut

Wondering when my fig stem cut will produce a fruit - the seller said fastest will take 9-12 months if growing well... if not, more than 1.5years ... Hmmm...

Long Bean Green

The first to start climbing!! Should have some long bean green to harvest by end of this month or early next month.

Cosmos - Seedlings

Now I got so many cosmos seedlings!!! Anyone wants? Will be happy to give away!


Suddenly they seemed to grow big overnight! Time to put in some chicken dung to enhance its growth! Maybe can harvest next week!! :-)


I was duped!! No tomatoes appearing!! :-(((

Hibiscus Acetosella (Red Leaf Hibiscus) aka Fake Roselle

Finally planted 1 of my 3 stem cut Hibiscus Acetosella into the ground today after rooting in water for about 1 month. Praying for healthy growth!
Hibiscus is very susceptible to pests especially mealy bugs. Even while rooting in water in my bedroom, the pests also appear! OMG... can't imagine in the garden. I will be made busy for sure! :-(