Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Di Huang Miao - Flower!

Surprise find this morning when I was harvesting my Di Huang Miao's leaves.... I am sure they will look beautiful!! I hope I can see them tomorrow!!


  1. wow! got flowers already!! take a close pic.. i wan see!!! :P

  2. Yup will do so when it blooms!! Nice pastel pink!

  3. Hehe I nv see be4!! Oh ya I reced ur seeds!! Thank u so much!! So happy mornong wakeup got present!!! Hahaa

  4. Oh my the way I always wan to ask u, u gt Instalgram? If yes, add me YenRoar

  5. Hi Sheily! Great that you got the seeds! Happy growing! Marigolds are nice and they grow quite easily. No, I don't have Instalgram :-) As of today, still haven't bloomed yet and I will be away for the next 7 days.. Hopefully blooms are still there by the time I come back :-))

  6. Hope so! Enjoy ur holidays! !!
